Front End VS Back End: Which Should You Choose?

Should you choose to learn front end or back end web development? It’s a very personal question. By personal, I mean that it’s unique to you, not private. I’ve struggled with this question for much of my career. I always considered myself to be half and half (full-stack) because I could never make up my … Read more

JavaScript Refresh – Regular Expressions (RegEx)

Regular expressions are used to find patterns in strings. Tests Like almost everything else in JavaScript, a regular expression is an object. You can create one using the RegExp constructor or by enclosing a pattern in forward sloshes. new RegExp(“hello”); /hello/; The simple regular expression above just looks for an “h” followed by an “e” … Read more

8 Benefits of Pair Programming

Pair programming is coding with someone else. Usually one person codes while the other offers insights and suggestions. Some companies require their coders to always pair up (known es extreme pair programming), but, in my opinion, that’s not the right way to do it. Everything in moderation, right? As a full-time coder, pair programming more … Read more

JavaScript Refresh – Errors and Bugs

Languages Bugs are more difficult to find in JS because it’s grammar isn’t very strict. true * “a sentence” There are a couple times when JavaScript won’t know what to do and throw an error. Bad syntax Calling a non-function like a function Trying to look up a property on undefined Strict Mode “use strict” … Read more

JavaScript Refresh – A Deeper Look at Objects

OOP uses objects for program organization. Encapsulation Divide a program into small pieces with each piece managing its own state. When working on one piece, you don’t need to know about the other piece. Pieces of the program interact with each other through interfaces. The interfaces (a limited set of functions) help hide away the … Read more