Set Up Discourse on DigitalOcean with MailGun and Namecheap

Setting up Discourse on DigitalOcean using Mailgun as the server. These instructions are specifically for setting up Discourse on DigitalOcean using Mailgun for the mail server and Namecheap for the DNS. DigitalOcean Go to DigitalOcean and create a Discourse droplet. When it asks you for an SSH key, choose one that you already created … Read more

How Do I Prevent SQL Injection in PHP?

First of all, what is a SQL injection? Let’s look at an example from a hacker’s point of view. A hacker whose nickname is Wasp is looking for a vulnerable site. He finds a site ( and goes to a page with pagination. He changes “title” to “content” and notices that the order of … Read more

Front End VS Back End: Which Should You Choose?

Should you choose to learn front end or back end web development? It’s a very personal question. By personal, I mean that it’s unique to you, not private. I’ve struggled with this question for much of my career. I always considered myself to be half and half (full-stack) because I could never make up my … Read more

Develop WordPress Locally with Docker

Docker is a great tool for developing WordPress locally. Don’t worry if the code below looks confusing. I’ll go through it line by line. Before we begin, if you just looking for quick a boilerplate, go to the tl;dr section at the bottom of the page. First of all, create a new folder. cd ~/Code … Read more