Code Road Map

# Front-End/Client Side Technologies
Browser: It's everything that happens in the browser.

Well, I like to explain everything using an example.
    What Is HTML?
    It is an acryonym for Hyper-Text Markup Language.
    HTML is how we structure and display content on a page.
    We structure the content using tags (h1, div, p).

## CSS
What Is CSS?
It's an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets.
It styles HTML.

Make a big, blue, bold title.
h1 {
    font-size: 50px;
    color: #004;
    font-weight: bold;

## JavaScript

It's a programming language. It gives web pages interactivity.

# Back-End/Server Side Technologies
Server: It's a computer where your website is hosted and where technologies for the website can run.

## PHP
It's a programming language, and it stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.

It's mainly used to manipulate, save, and retrieve data.

## MySQL Database
It's a place to store data. MySQL is the most popular program for storing and retrieving data. SQL is an acryonym for Structured Query Language.

## NginX Web Server
A web server is the technology that responds to requests from browsers and works in tandem with the server-side programming language.

## Goal
Understand and work with Laravel and VueJS frameworks.

# Pair Code

## Courses
Courses are example driven.

## Community

## One-on-one Zoom Once a Month for One Hour

## Group Zoom Call Twice a Week
QA, progress, and feedback time

## Discounted forever for first couple of members