JavaScript Refresh – Values, Types, and Operators


  • 18
  • “hello”
  • true


  • .18
  • 1.8
  • 18
  • 18000000000000000000
  • Infinity
  • -Infinity


  • “hello”
  • ‘hello’
  • `hello`
  • “hello” + “hello” = “hellohello”
  • template literals: `half of 100 is ${100 / 2}`

Operators (Unary, Binary, Ternary)

  • 2 * 3
  • 3 / 2
  • 10 % 4
  • 3 + 4
  • 3 – 4
  • -4
  • typeof “something”
  • !
  • 3 < 4
  • 3 > 4
  • 3 < 4 && 3 > 4
  • 3 < 4 || 3 > 4
  • 3 !== 4
  • 4 == 4
  • 3 < 4 ? true : false

Boolean values

  • true
  • false

Empty values

  • null
  • undefined

Type Coercion

  • 8 * null
  • “5” – 1
  • “5” + 1
  • “five” * 2
  • null == undefined
  • null == 0

short-circuit evaluation

  • 0 || -1
  • “” || “!?”
  • false && X


We looked at four types of JavaScript values in this chapter: numbers, strings, Booleans, and undefined values.

Such values are created by typing in their name (true, null) or value (13, "abc"). You can combine and transform values with operators. We saw binary operators for arithmetic (+, -, *, /, and %), string concatenation (+), comparison (==, !=, ===, !==, <, >, <=, >=), and logic (&&, ||), as well as several unary operators (- to negate a number, ! to negate logically, and typeof to find a value’s type) and a ternary operator (?:) to pick one of two values based on a third value.