April 2023 Web App Development Update

Time Block Tasks I added a couple features to the Time Block Tasks app this month. You can now reorder tasks, quickly add new tasks, and and update special repeatable tasks. Reordering Tasks Figuring out how to reorder tasks was tricky. I had no idea how I’d end up doing it. Giving database records a … Read more

Develop WordPress Locally with Docker Tutorial

First, clone the git repo that I created (https://github.com/davidrichied/docker-template-php80-mysql8-nginx-ssl-wordpress). It has all the stuff. git clone https://github.com/davidrichied/docker-template-php80-mysql8-nginx-ssl-wordpress.git mywp Build the docker container cd mywp docker compose up -d –build Next, you’ll have to install WordPress. I used brew to install wp-cli. Then, I just ran the following commands. cd ~/Code/mywp/wordpress/public wp core download –locale=en_US Next … Read more

JavaScript – Objects and Arrays

Objects let us group values to build more complex structures. Objects Objects are a type of value. They’re a random collection of properties. const note = { isPrivate: true, content: “secret” }; The Parts of an Object Braces Property name Colon Property value Comma In JS, braces can be used to start a block of … Read more

Set Up Discourse on DigitalOcean with MailGun and Namecheap

Setting up Discourse on DigitalOcean using Mailgun as the server. These instructions are specifically for setting up Discourse on DigitalOcean using Mailgun for the mail server and Namecheap for the DNS. DigitalOcean Go to DigitalOcean and create a Discourse droplet. https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/discourse When it asks you for an SSH key, choose one that you already created … Read more

How Do I Prevent SQL Injection in PHP?

First of all, what is a SQL injection? Let’s look at an example from a hacker’s point of view. A hacker whose nickname is Wasp is looking for a vulnerable site. He finds a site (vulnrbl.com) and goes to a page with pagination. https://vulnrbl.com/articles?page=2&orderby=title He changes “title” to “content” and notices that the order of … Read more