Intermediate HTML 2 – The Meta Tag and the Class Attribute

Meta Tags meta The meta tag is invisible to the human eye, but it’s visible to the browser and search engines. The meta tag usually has two attributes (name and content), and the name usually describes the content. It uses these attributes to tell the browser certain things about the web page. name=”twitter:site” content=”@PairCode” The … Read more

Beginner JavaScript Part 1

JavaScript is a programming language that runs in your browser. It is the only client-side (runs in your browser) programming language. Its original purpose was to add a little interactivity to static web pages, but now days, it is a full-fledged programming language. A static web page is pretty boring. Besides looking at the content, … Read more

What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that web developers use when building websites. Probably every single website in existence has some JavaScript in it. When I first started learning to code, JavaScript was my first language, for better or worse. Do you really need to learn JavaScript as a web developer? If you are going into … Read more

What Is PHP?

PHP is a programming language, specifically it’s a general- purpose, loosely coupled, scripting language, mainly used for web development. It’s extremely popular because it can be used on most web servers and most operating systems for free. As of 2021, W3 Tech says that “PHP is used by 79.2% of all the websites whose server- … Read more

Categories PHP

VueJS Overview

VueJS is a JavaScript framework. With VueJS, you can write JavaScript that looks exactly like HTML, except the HTML has additional functionality, and it’s a lot easier to manage data and functions. You can create components, to break up a large application into smaller, easy-to-understand parts. I have used both ReactJS and VueJS. It sounds … Read more