Basic PHP

PHP is a great programming language for anyone to learn. It’s a high-level programming language which means it has a lot of “powerful,” time-saving functions that are very readable and understandable. The learning curve is much lower than other programming languages, but it also has many mature, advanced features. For the most part, we’ll be … Read more

Basic CSS

CSS (cascading style sheets) is used to make HTML pages look pretty. CSS targets content wrapped in HTML tags, and it can even exist at the bottom of the HTML page in a special “style” tag. The code directly below is HTML, but we’re going to style it with CSS. <p id=”unique-p”> I am a … Read more

Basic HTML

HTML is not a programming language, but just by knowing HTML, you can build a whole website. HTML is used to structure content, separate content, and specify different types of content. For example, you can specify some text to be very important. <h1 id=”unique-title”> I Am a very Important title. </h1> Most tags come in … Read more

Laravel Framework Overview

What is the Laravel framework and why should I use it? Laravel is a framework for PHP. A framework creates a standard for other programmers to follow. There are a million and one ways to build things with a programming language, especially PHP, and one way is not necessarily better than another way. There are … Read more

JavaScript Callbacks

Disclaimer: I’ve never had to create a JavaScript callback function as professional web developer. It is unlikely that you will ever have to create a function that takes a callback either, especially since there are alternatives to callbacks; however, you’ll probably run into a one of these when using a package built by someone else. … Read more

Project 2 Solution – Make a Dynamic Web Page (PHP)

There’s a lot going on in the PHP code below. No worries though. We’ll go over every single line where something new is happening. Code Dissection   <?php This special combination of characters marks the opening of PHP that the server will execute. $title = $_POST[‘title’]; In the first two lines, we’re creating two variables. … Read more