Intermediate PHP 3 – Classes/Objects

All modern programming languages have the concept of classes/objects. A class is a collection of methods (functions) and properties (variables that belong to the class). Classes and objects are not the same thing, but they are similar. Classes are used to create objects. Classes are like the blueprint, and objects are the house. You use … Read more

Intermediate PHP 2 – Loops and Fuctions

Loops In programming, loops are a helpful way to iterate through each item in an array. If we wanted to create a normal array with the names of each user, we loop through the array. Code Dissection $names = []; This an empty array, but it won’t be empty for long. foreach The word foreach … Read more

Intermediate PHP 1 – Arrays

In programming, arrays are an important concept. An array is a list of things. The list can be pretty much anything, including strings. We’ll take a look at a fairly basic array. Code Dissection Here we have a fruity array with three fruits in it. [ The left opening bracket starts the list of things. … Read more

Intermediate HTML 3 – Forms

In this lesson, we’re going to take a closer look at the form HTML tag. Forms let users enter input. They are a very important part of websites. form The form is one of the only ways a user can send input (text, images, and videos) to the server where the website is hosted. Forms … Read more

Coding Road Map for Web Developers

If you’re learning web development, a road map can be career-saving. About seven years ago, I started learning without one. It was a long and pretty lonely road. I had no clear direction and no peers to talk to. Thankfully, after many detours and uncertainty, I somehow become a useful web developer. Road Map This … Read more

Intermediate HTML 1 – Images and Links

Now that we have the basics down, we can build something a little more complex. We’ll just cover images and links in this lesson (code in bold). In the next lesson, we’ll take a look at the meta tag and the class attribute. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta name=”twitter:site” content=”@HemmingsNews”> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” … Read more