All Types of Websites: HTML, PHP, MySQL Websites

With HTML, PHP, and MySQL, it’s possible to have a very functional web application, like an E-commerce store or a social media website. It will be a very bland website though without CSS and JavaScript. The only difference between the previous HTML and PHP website and this one is MySQL, the database. The database is … Read more

All Types of Websites: HTML, PHP Websites

The next website we look at will just use HTML and PHP. We can add CSS and JS later. They’re not required for this website to work. I’m trying to demonstrate how many of these tools can be used in isolation. Developing and deploying an HTML and PHP website is more complicated than developing and … Read more

All Types of Websites: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Websites

JavaScript is an interesting tool. It’s more difficult to describe its purpose than HTML or CSS. Basically, it’s  a tool that makes your static website more interactive and functional. HTML and CSS websites are like brochures or PDFs. They’re like looking at a printed piece of paper on the web. They don’t really do anything. … Read more

Develop WordPress Locally with Docker

Docker is a great tool for developing WordPress locally. Don’t worry if the code below looks confusing. I’ll go through it line by line. Before we begin, if you just looking for quick a boilerplate, go to the tl;dr section at the bottom of the page. First of all, create a new folder. cd ~/Code … Read more

All Types of Websites: HTML and CSS Websites

Your HTML website is very bland looking. No offense. That’s why the creators of the web created CSS, cascading style sheets. CSS is what makes your website prettier than a text file. It’s a tool to make your website visually appealing. It gives you incredible control over every little detail of your website’s design, but … Read more

All Types of Websites: HTML Websites

There are many different types of websites out there with varying degrees of complexity. Websites are just like any other structure. The more tools, people, and money you have, the more complex your website can be. So, what is the absolute minimum you need to build a website? You actually only need to learn one … Read more