DevOps – Start It Up

Almost all the pieces are in place to start up your local development environment. The last piece is an PHP file. Create a folder called public in the appone folder. cd ~/Code/appone mkdir public Create an index.php file in that folder. cd public touch index.php Add some quick test code the index.php file. <?php echo … Read more

DevOps – Nginx Configuration

What is Nginx? If you already know what Nginx is, you can skip to the configuration part. Nginx is a web server. A web server is the program that gets requests from a client (the browser) and returns responses (like a web page) to the client through HTTP. It’s able to accept requests and return … Read more

DevOps – Local Development Environment with Docker

It’s time to take the training wheels off ( and create a local environment for our web application. We’re going to use a very useful tool called Docker to develop locally, and we’ll set up the PHP and Nginx part. DevOps (development operations) is a very important part of web development. DevOps involves the configuration … Read more

Create a Note

User Story User sees a form with an input for a title and a textarea for text. He also sees a button that says “Add Note”. The user fills out the form and clicks “Add Note.” He sees the title and content of his note immediately appear below the form. Goal Create a JavaScript object … Read more

Intermediate JavaScript 2 – Objects and Loops

Objects JavaScript objects are collections of keys and values. The keys are strings, and the values can be anything (strings, integers, functions, arrays, or another object). let emptyObject = {} let myCollection = { foods: [‘spaghetti’, ‘Chili’], “getFirst”: function getFirst (items) { return items[0]; }, } let myCollection = {…} Creating an object in JavaScript … Read more